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Are You Tired Of Being Tired?

Tired Of Being Tired

The weather is warm, the sun is out, and it is time to face the Summer head-on! But are you finding that your energy levels are just not at their peak? You’re not the only one.

Did you know that 43% of Americans feel too tired to function in their personal and daily lives? Don’t be a statistic! There are simple lifestyle changes you can make now for a BIG impact.

As a medical care provider in the health and wellness industry for more than 30 years, I’ve seen it all. Clients who have the drive to achieve amazing results, but no energy or motivation for the follow-through.

We can help you boost your energy levels so you can live a healthier, happier life!

Take advantage of these 5 tips to jumpstart your health journey today to look and feel amazing:

  1. Lighten your workload. Don’t try to be everything to everyone! Set reasonable boundaries in your work and private life so you can take time for yourself. And never forget to ask for help when you need it!

  2. Eat energy-boosting foods! Eating foods with a low glycemic index, like whole grains, high-fiber vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils such as olive oil are absorbed by your body slowly which eliminates that mid-day crash and burn!

  3. Say no to alcohol. Did you know that alcohol acts as a sedative? Make sure to avoid alcoholic beverages during the mid-day and at 5 pm because these disrupt your body’s natural sleeping rhythms!

  4. Drink more H20. Many of us don’t realize it, but our bodies are frequently dehydrated and one of the first signs is low energy and fatigue! So make sure you carry a water bottle or make an effort to regularly drink water throughout the day.

  5. Caffeinate the right way! Binging on coffee will not help you boost your energy, instead, it disrupts your body’s natural rhythms. Instead, make sure you drink your cup of joe before 2 pm so you can have the maximum benefit.

Don’t forget our Energy Boosting Vitamin Injections and Glutathione Therapies are specials for the month of May, so treat yourself you deserve it!

Learn more about how to look and feel your best: healthybeginningswellness.com

To your optimal health,

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